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微信号变成wxid是不是互删了 微信wxid是互删了吗?(记得收藏)

作者:mzk日期:2023-08-11 13:41:12浏览:163分类:学习知识

微信号变成wxid是不是互删了 微信wxid是互删了吗?(记得收藏)

Yes, when a WeChat account's username changes to "wxid_", it usually means that the account has been deleted by the user. However, it is important to note that WeChat does not provide a direct way to delete an account permanently, and users can only delete their accounts by themselves.

If a user deletes their WeChat account, all the chat history and contact information of that account will be lost forever. Therefore, it is important to think carefully before deleting your WeChat account, as it may result in the loss of important information or connections.

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